Parents' Corner
Register online at www.shopwithscrip.com. It’s super easy!!! Click on “not a member” and enter your family’s information. (for student put your last name and for teacher put CLC) Click on the “I accept” on the agreement. The last step is to enter the enrollment code: EE6EAD5433991
When you place your order there are two ways to pay: sign up for Presto Pay on the home page of www.shopwithscrip.com and have the payment taken right out of your checking account (there is a $.39 fee each time) or you can drop the payment in CLC’s office. Orders must be in by 5:00 pm every other Friday evening and will be distributed to you upon arrival. As of right now the cards have been coming on Tuesday or Wednesday. Payment must be received prior to the coordinator completing your order.
Any questions please feel free to talk to our SCRIP coordinator Katrina 262.284.6502.
Electronic Surveillance and Key Fob Access Control
CACFP Nondiscrimination statement with Complaint Filing Procedure
Field Trips
For each field trip, a permission slip or monthly calendar is sent home stating the destination, date and cost. The slip or calendar must be signed by the parent and returned to the classroom with the FEE IN CASH. Please do not include the field trip fees with your weekly childcare tuition. If you do not want your child to participate, you can make arrangements for alternative care that day.
Upcoming field trips are listed on each program room's monthly newsletter and/or calendar.
You are allowed two enrolled weeks of vacation per year. Enrolled weeks are the scheduled number of
days your child attends per week. If your child is scheduled on Tuesday and Thursday, you are allowed
four days of vacation days per year. If additional time is taken throughout the year, you have the option of
paying for the extra time, or paying a re-registration fee upon your return. Vacation time begins again upon re-registration.
Days Closed
CLC is closed on the following days in observance of holidays for 2025:
January 1st
May 26th
July 4th
September 1st
November 27th & 28th
December 24th & 25th
December 26th
December 31st
Jan 1st, 2026
Jan 2nd, 2026
Closing days will be reviewed each year and parents will be notified of any other closing days at least 30 days prior to the closing, if it is a planned closing.
Emergency Closings
In the event of mechanical failure of water, heat, light or weather related (snow) closings, parents will be notified by 6:00 am, through:
TV Channel 6
TV Channel 12
CLC's Facebook Page
CLC's Private Parent Page